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How to clean a aquarium fish tank - leyu

Leyu Acrylic Aquarium Factory Produces 100 Gal Acrylic Aquarium, The 100 gallon acrylic aquarium can come in different shapes, not only aesthetically pleasing but also sturdy.
  • acrylic aquariums

  • Leyu

  • LY20230416

  • Mitsubishi Corporation Lucite brand acrylic raw material

  • 20-800mm

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  • Provide technical guidance and on-site installation services

  • Transparency reaches 93%

  • Can customize cylindrical cylinders of different sizes

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  • 5000 tons

  • Clear transparency, 93%

  • various shapes


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How to clean a aquarium fish tanks?

Aquarium fish tanks, Leyu acrylic aquarium factory professional customization.

Aquarium fish tanks are all tailored according to customer needs, Leyu teaches you how to clean acrylic fish tanks.

To clean an aquarium fish tanks, follow these steps:

Prepare the necessary supplies:

A clean bucket or container

An algae scraper or sponge

A gravel vacuum or siphon

Clean, non-toxic water conditioner

A clean cloth or sponge for wiping the tank

Turn off all electrical equipment: 

Before starting the cleaning process, unplug and remove any electrical equipment such as filters, heaters, and lights. This will ensure your safety and prevent damage to the equipment.

Remove the fish: 

Carefully catch the fish using a net and transfer them to a separate container filled with aquarium water. This will prevent them from getting stressed or injured during the cleaning process.

Drain the water:

 Use a gravel vacuum or siphon to remove the water from the tank. Start at one end of the tank and gently move the gravel vacuum over the substrate, allowing the debris and excess waste to be siphoned out along with the water. Be careful not to vacuum up any small fish or gravel.

Clean the tank and decorations:

 Use an algae scraper or sponge to clean the interior walls of the tank and any decorations. Avoid using soap or detergents, as they can be harmful to fish. Rinse the sponge or scraper frequently to remove any debris.

Clean the gravel: 

If you have gravel substrate, use the gravel vacuum or siphon to clean it. Push the vacuum into the gravel and move it around to release any trapped waste. The debris will be siphoned out with the water. Continue this process until the water being siphoned out appears clean.

Clean the filter: 

If you have a filter, remove any excess waste or debris from it according to the manufacturer's instructions. This may involve rinsing or replacing filter media. Avoid cleaning the filter with tap water, as it can kill beneficial bacteria that help maintain water quality.

Refill the tank:

 Fill the tank with fresh water that has been treated with a water conditioner to remove chlorine and other harmful substances. Follow the instructions on the water conditioner bottle for the correct dosage.

Reinstall equipment and decorations: 

Once the tank is filled, reattach the filter, heater, and any other equipment. Replace the decorations and plants.

Acclimate the fish:

 Float the container holding the fish in the tank for about 15-20 minutes to allow the water temperature to equalize. Then, gradually add small amounts of the tank water to the container over the next 30 minutes. Finally, release the fish into the tank.

Monitor water parameters:

 After cleaning the tank, monitor the water parameters such as temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels to ensure they are within the appropriate range for your fish species. Make any necessary adjustments to maintain a healthy environment for your fish.

Regular aquarium maintenance, including partial water changes and cleaning, is essential for the health and well-being of your fish.

Aquariums Fish Tanks

 why is my fish tank cloudy

Aquarium fish tank, Leyu acrylic aquarium factory tailor-made for you.

A cloudy Aquarium fish tanks can be caused by several factors. Here are some common reasons for cloudy water:

New Aquarium fish tanks syndrome: If you recently set up a new tank, cloudiness can occur due to the accumulation of beneficial bacteria. These bacteria help break down waste and establish a balanced ecosystem. This cloudiness, known as "new tank syndrome," usually resolves on its own as the bacteria colonies develop.

Poor water quality:

 Cloudiness can be a sign of poor water quality caused by high levels of ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate. These compounds can build up due to overfeeding, inadequate filtration, or infrequent water changes. High levels of dissolved organic matter can also contribute to cloudy water.


Overfeeding your fish can lead to excess uneaten food, which decomposes and contributes to poor water quality. Uneaten food can also promote the growth of bacteria and algae, leading to cloudiness.

Insufficient filtration: 

If the filter in your aquarium is not adequately sized or functioning properly, it may not effectively remove debris and waste from the water. This can result in cloudiness.

Algae bloom: 

Excessive growth of algae in the tank can cause cloudiness. Algae blooms can occur due to factors such as excessive light, nutrient imbalances, or direct sunlight exposure.

Improper cleaning or maintenance: 

Inadequate or infrequent cleaning and maintenance can lead to the accumulation of waste, debris, and uneaten food, resulting in cloudy water.

Medication or chemical treatments: 

If you recently used medications or chemical treatments in your aquarium, they can sometimes cause temporary cloudiness as a side effect.

To address cloudy water, take the following steps:

Check and adjust water parameters: Test the water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH levels. If any parameters are outside the acceptable range, take appropriate measures to correct them.

Partial water change: Perform a partial water change to reduce the levels of accumulated waste and pollutants. Replace about 20-30% of the water with fresh, conditioned water.

Clean Aquarium fish tanks: Thoroughly clean the tank, including the substrate, decorations, and filter media. Remove any excess debris or uneaten food.

Improve filtration: Ensure that your filtration system is functioning properly and is appropriate for the size of your tank. Consider upgrading or adding additional filtration if necessary.

Reduce feeding: Feed your fish only the amount they can consume within a few minutes. Remove any uneaten food to prevent it from decomposing in the tank.

Control lighting: Reduce the duration of lighting or adjust the intensity to discourage excessive algae growth.

Monitor and maintain: Regularly monitor water parameters, perform routine water changes, and maintain proper cleaning and maintenance practices to prevent cloudy water from recurring.

If the cloudiness persists or worsens despite your efforts, it may be a sign of a more significant issue. In such cases, consult a knowledgeable aquarium specialist or veterinarian for further assistance.

Aquariums Fish Tanks


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